刃よりも鋭く、疾風よりも速く、蝶よりも華やかに現実と夢の間を華麗に舞う!究極のイケメン女形!!芸道20年の二十歳。日本が世界に誇る圧倒的なパフォーマンスの全てを収めた映像作品ここに完成! 圧倒的なパフォーマンスを誇る大衆演劇期待の若手、宝海大空のDVD企画。二十歳にして芸道20周年となる記念盤。 大衆演劇のフィールドを飛び越えて活動の幅を広げている宝海大空。彼の役者としての魅力と日本の伝統美を伝える映像作品が完成した。本作品のために書き下されたオリジナル音源にあわせ、圧倒的な舞を披露する作品4編とスペシャルインタビュー、ドキュメント映像を収録します。音源のみを収録したCDと豪華ブックレット付き。Sharper than a sword, swifter than gale, brighter than a butterfly…Brilliant dances that come and go between reality and dream, performed by a 21 year old with 20 years of artistic experience under his belt!Finally, A film collection of the overwhelming performance presented by the pride of Japanese people!This collection will take you on an exhilarating adventure with the special interview, documentary footage, and four jaw-dropping performances to new music created just for this collection.【DVD CONTENTS】風雲…影との舞閃光…刀の舞時空の旅…面の舞桜一夜…花魁 宝海大空Special Interview宝海大空Bonus Movie 【CD CONTENTS & DATA】全作曲、編曲:ワキマル・ジュンイチキーボード&プログラミング:ワキマル・ジュンイチ M-1「風雲」尺八:石垣秀基エレキギター:早乙女としや M-2「閃光」作詞:宝海大空&陸奥芳明ボーカル:宝海大空和楽器:HIDE×HIDE(尺八:石垣秀基、中棹三味線:尾上秀樹) M-3「時空の旅」能管、篠笛:武田朋子中棹三味線:尾上秀樹 M-4「桜一夜」二胡:ジャー・パンファン古くから日本には、「旅役者」と呼ばれ数名から数十名で形成された劇団が数多く存在する。その歴史は江戸時代以前にさかのぼると言われている。伝統と格式を重んじ時の政府に保護され近年には「大芝居」とは対照的に、より大衆との親和性を深めながらも定住せず全国を旅しながら存在してきた「小芝居」「旅芝居」の劇団、それが「大衆演劇」の原点と言われる。大衆演劇の中核にいながら、そのフィールドを飛び越えて、活動の幅を大きく広げている宝海大空。今年5月に21歳の誕生日を迎えた彼は初舞台が1歳の時。今年で芸道20周年を迎える。そのイケメンなルックスで演劇ファンの心をとらえて離さない彼は、芸と舞のクオリティの高さでも定評がある。その舞と美貌で、多くのテレビ番組でも大々的に取り上げられ、ニューヨーク、ブルネイなど海外での好演経験もあり、実力は世界的に実証済み。多彩な大物演歌歌手との共演実績もあり、その美貌は、2011年に発売になった蜷川実花氏による写真集でも話題になった。現在も日本全国の舞台を駆けまわりながらその実力で多くの観客を魅了している。その宝海大空の今の全てを凝縮したのが本作品だ。 自らの影とのコラボレーション「風雲」、目にも止まらない速さで刀を操る「閃光」、多種多様な面を素早く付け替える「時空の旅」、絶世の美女花魁に扮して舞う「桜一夜」。その衝撃的な舞の全てを収めたDVD。作品の中には彼の生い立ちや、所属する劇団「宝海劇団」の座長としての決意、そして自分のこれからを語った充実のインタビュー、そして浅草花やしきで決行し、たちまちのうちに観客を魅了したゲリラ演舞の模様など、お楽しみなコンテンツが満載。大衆演劇を知ってる人も知らない人も必見の映像である。 Sharper than a sword, swifter than gale, brighter than a butterfly…Brilliant dances that come and go between reality and dream, performed by a 21 year old with 20 years of artistic experience under his belt!Finally, A film collection of the overwhelming performance presented by the pride of Japanese people!This collection will take you on an exhilarating adventure with the special interview, documentary footage, and four jaw-dropping performances to new music created just for this collection. From the medieval times, many traditional form of performing troupes existed in Japan comprised of tabiyakusha (traveling actors) in various numbers. It is said that their history dates even back to pre-Edo Period (1603-1867). These companies performed koshibai (small theatrical productions) and tabishibai (traveling plays) as they wandered around Japan, deepening their affinity with the general public. It is said that these companies are the roots of the current day Taishu Engeki (popular drama) form of performing arts, in contrast to the modern day Ooshibai which was protected by the reigning government and emphasized in tradition and formality.While still being in the limelight of the Taishu Engeki genre, Oozora TAKAMI is expanding his performing horizons beyond his field. Takami celebrates his 20th anniversary in the performing industry since his debut when he was just over 17 months old. He had just turned 21 in May 2016.With his great looks as well as his established acting and dance, Takami has grasped the hearts of many performing arts fans. He was featured on various television programs thanks to his fantastic performance skills and looks, and also received rave reviews for his international performance in New York, Brunei, etc., which further proved his talent worldwide. His resume also includes costarring with big enka ballad singers, and his beauty became the talk of the town when his photo-book with pictures taken by Mika NINAGAWA was published in 2011. Currently, he continues to fascinate many audiences with his art form as he busily performs in theaters around Japan.Japanesque is a collection of Takami’s current art forms all rolled into one.“Fu-un” is a collaboration number with his own shadow, “Senko” highlights his sword skills in lighting speed, “Jiku-no Tabi” features his quick change from mask to mask, and “Sakura Hitoyo” is a glimpse of Takami’s graceful dance guised as an Oiran (courtesan) of great beauty. Every bit of his awestriking performance is archived into the DVD. Enjoy the world of Takami with the full load of bonus contents that takes you through his journey of life, shares his determination as the leader of his theatrical company, the “Takami Gekidan,” and his prospects into future with the in-depth interview, the dance performance carried out at the Asakusa Hanayashiki theme park that immediately enthralled the audience, and many more.It is not-to-be-missed footage exciting for audiences familiar and new to Japanese Taishu Engeki.